What to Expect:
Dog Walking

Never used a dog walking service? No worries! Below we have described a typical visit from one of our pet care professionals.
Warm up/cool down
Upon arriving at your home your walker will greet your dog(s), check
for any messages you may have left, and proceed to leash up. Dogs
like repeated patterns of behaviour and consistancy so your dog
and walker may develop a “ritual” for greeting and leashing that is performed each time the walker visits. After the walk we ensure your dog is provided fresh water and treats (if given to your pooch).
Exercise and relaxation
We will walk your dog in a manner that allows for both exercising and relaxation. The first few minutes are usually “free time” to allow your dog to sniff, relieve itself and get it's bearings. Your walker will then pick up the pace. Typically we will walk as briskly as is comfortable for your dog. When possible your walker will vary the route to prevent boredom. We never “pack-walk” — the time you pay for is yours and your dog is our sole focus!
Working with your dog
During the setup appointment your walker will have reviewed with you any specific commands you or your trainer want to have reinforced.
Your walker will always employ “force-free” practices when interacting with your dog, i.e.: no shock, no pain, no choking, no fear!
At the time of your dog's first visit your walker will leave a small note-book in which they will log the visit and record anything pertinant they may have observed during the walk. This notebook serves as a way
of reassuring you a walk was completed, and also provides a good place for you to leave any information you may have for your walker.
Your pet care professional will carry a supply of biodegradeable
waste bags. During the setup they will have established with you
the proper receptical for the bags of waste.
Click here for What to Expect: Pet Sitting